
Wow. It’s been almost 3 years since the last entry. What happened?  In short, I started to work on the backstory for LightShrew, and then I got carried away, and then the story got bigger, and bigger, and my perfectionism grew and grew, and then things got really bad.

I think the real takeaway is that humility is good, and it is good to keep your project simple, and not attach your self value to your art. Also, neural plasticity is a thing, and can be used for good, or bad. Please use it for good. Develop good habits, and catch yourself, when you slip.

I don’t know if the embed will work on WordPress, but here is a direct link to the 3d model on Sketchfab for the model of the girl who was born out of this growing story which I wish I could be free from.

https://sketchfab.com/models/699fc0af1eb8423c8dd4087294eb232d/embed Sky Pirate Princess by bryantenorio on Sketchfab

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